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Transforms is a non-profit Third Sector Association (TSA), which operates in the Catholic Church, at the service of evangelization.   Our main mission is to spend our lives, our talents, and resources to bring God to people and people to God, through music and events:  record production, concerts, testimony, music in liturgical events, workshops, training, and meetings of all kinds. It was created to support and implement the projects of Reale, an Italian Christian Music band, which has already been working for 13 years, in Italy and around the world, realizing the aforementioned projects. We want to be a community that brings together all those who, with Reale, share the vision and need to support the Catholic Church in living, and passionately passing on the Joy of Faith and the urgency of communicating this beauty with coherence, cheerfulness, and competence, giving life to products and quality musical and educational events that have a current, feasible and tangible taste. To help bring light to the Church and actively help build a future of real spaces in which our children, free and welcomed, breathe the love of God, overcome loneliness, live real relationships, form themselves in Truth and in Freedom and may renew the Church itself, to be new Saints who attract future saints.

Schermata 2023-01-21 alle 12.33_edited
Concerto live

The New Evangelisation, as an impulse inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Church today, summons us to be new in our methods of proclaiming the Gospel, in finding creative expressions of it and all with fresh zeal for the salvation of souls. Reale Musica and their Transforma mission project, which brims with the passion and joy of the faith,  engages the younger generation where they and invites them to use their God-given talents in building a better world, are a welcome and innovative witness to GOD’s action in the Church and the world especially for these times.

GOD bless all the good work,
+Bishop John Keenan

Vice President 

Conference  Scottish Episcopal

Asking for Faith

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It is the first project that our association is implementing.

We are tangibly managing the fundraising and organization for a series of encounters, workshops, concerts, and testimonies that Reale will hold during 2023 in the United States, Brazil, England, Germany, and Portugal. The project is in collaboration with international Catholic realities and movements such as : Franciscan Friars of the Renewal , Shalom Community , Youth2000 ,    Cenacolo Community and others, with whom Reale have formed friendships, relationships and collaborations in recent years. They are all missionary realities that work, with various charisms, in evangelization on a global level. The project was presented to the local dioceses and to the Dicastery for Evangelization of the Vatican and received unexpected support. Reale will participate as guests in major international Christian music festivals and in important youth spiritual training events, they will do so as ambassadors of the Italian Church, to bring their experience, engage, and contaminate their own way of living the Faith and bring a renewed model of evangelization back to Italy, in which our youth can also participate. We will then collect audio and video material in a video/document to be presented to Pope Francis as a testimony of unity and a useful tool for the synodal journey that the Catholic Church has undertaken.

The complete project and the calendar of events...(continues)

Togheter with

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Friends who support our work


Laura Miola

Influencer (of positivity)


Don Alberto Ravagnani

Priest, influencer


Bishop John Keenan

Bishop of Paisley (SCO)


Giusy Buscemi


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