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A campaign of
Transform ETS Association





Saint Teresa of Avila once wrote:

“Teresa alone is worth nothing;
Teresa and a penny are worth less than nothing;
Teresa, a penny and God, they can do anything”


here, if we replace Teresa with Reale, this sentence summarizes the concept behind our fundraising:

"The Reale alone are worth nothing;

the Reale and a little money are worth less than nothing;

the  Reale, a little money and God, they can do anything"


This project is the beginning of that "everything".


It is the first project that our association is realizing.




Reale, between May to September 2023, will go on a Tour/Pilgrimage to meet and engage with some of the most active Catholic missionary movements in the world of evangelization. They will do so by participating in Youth Spiritual Formation events and Christian Music festivals among the most important on the planet, touching cities such as New York, Fortaleza, London, Lisbon and others

(see the Calendar of events).




  • To respond to the requests of many entities that have got to know the history of Reale and want their witness and charisma as a contribution to the activities and missions that already operate in their territories

  • to ‘disrupt’ and ‘contaminate’ one’s own training

  • to create unity among charisms, dioceses and walks of faith 

  • to tangibly contribute to building real spaces of encounter within the Universal Catholic Church

  • to bear witness to how God acts today in the world

  • to pass on the Joy of Faith with passion

  • to evangelize younger generations




From May to September 2023 10 technicians and musicians will dedicate themselves to concerts/ testimonies/ workshops and meetings in which Reale will be involved worldwide.


The project is in collaboration with international Catholic organizations and movements such as : Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Comunità Shalom, Youth2000 , Comunità Cenacolo and others, with whom Reale have made friendships, relationships and collaborations in recent years. They are all missionary realities that work with various different charisms in evangelization at a global level, with the poor, youth, families, in the suburbs, conditions and nations where practicing evangelization is not just difficult, but often hindered and sometimes dangerous.



These are realities that live on Providence and the urgency of service of their own respective missions, to overcome the economic uncertainty that such an undertaking involves and collaborating, we have set a calendar of concerts, unplugged, testimonies, workshops, adorations and meetings:


06/05/2023 -USA- New York - Unplugged @ Catholic Underground - with Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

10/05/2023 -USA- Saint Augustine - Live concert with Cenacle Community

12/05/2023 -USA- New York -  Holy Hour in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan 

13/05/2023 -USA- New York - Live Concert @ San Damiano Mission in Brooklyn - with Shalom New York

27/05/2023 -UK- London - Unplugged @St.Patrick's Churchin Soho 

05/29/2023 -UK- Scotland - Testimony @Stronghold Festival with Craig Lodge

07/06/2023 -DEU- Nuremberg - Live Concert @gig festival - with Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

07/22/2023 -BRA- Fortaleza - Live Concert @Hallelujah festival- with Comunidade Shalom

08/27/2023 -POR- Lisbon - Workshops @Chemin Neuf

01-06/08/2023 -POR - Lisbon -WYD 2023(to be defined)

08/28/2023 -UK- Ampleforth - Testimony @ Summer fest - with Youth2000




With certain joy, the friendly realities have already begun to involve their communities that have shown themselves to be very enthusiastic towards such an experience of fraternity.

In any case, the Royals will keep their promises, but such a demanding call can only be realized by a desired and shared good.


"Trasforma ETS" has therefore implemented a fundraising campaign to help Reale  bear the costs of:

flights, trips, meals, overnight stays, transfers,  rental service and personnel, that amounts to around €200,000.


We are not crazy or clueless. Behind all this, there is the patient work of a splendid team made in the last two years. It seems impossible, yet the knowledge that not a penny of this money will go to our pockets, gives us the freedom to ask, with the peace of knowing that trusting in Providence means knocking on all doors possible, and letting God open the doors that must open, and leave closed the doors that must stay closed.




The constitution of the Association allows us to carry out a  direct fundraising.

There are no intermediary platforms to avoid losing commissions etc... in addition to those of the transactions. 

You can donate exclusively from this site or from this page, by clicking the "SUPPORT THIS PROJECT" button, where you can access to the instructions to make:


-A bank transfer

-a donation with PayPal and credit or debit cards


The non-profit structure of the association, allows supporters (both private and companies) to have tax deductions from a donation   (for any info you can write


There are no material rewards for donations, it would not make sense to have to reinvest essential sums of money, in gadgets, but the goal of this campaign is also to give life to a community of people who carry the same vision of Faith in their hearts and then live "the reward" in the joy of becoming Providence:

2Cor 9,6-10

Let everyone give according to what he has decided in his heart, not with sadness or by force, because God loves he who gives with joy.


What we can offer is our gratitude and some space on our  media channels.

Supporters who donate substantial or recurring sums will become Main Sponsors of the project, will be permanently inserted in the dedicated section on the Trasforma ETS website, and will accompany every international event with their logo. They will be mentioned and tagged on every post related to the project, on the Reale channels (with total exposure of around 20,000 users) 


Various businesses are coming together with important donations to support this ambitious international project. Federcasse - BCC Cooperative credit bank  e   Sonar were the first companies to support our project and we have some appointments for other meetings, and we hope there will be many more!




The project was presented at Local Dioceses  and to the Dicastery for the Evangelization of the Holy See  to unexpected support.

Reale will produce a document/video to present to Pope Francis as a testimony of the project and as an instrument for the synodal journey that the Church has undertaken.


This page of our adventure is also driven, enlightened and guided also by many concepts that are present  in Evangelii Gaudium. It is clear that,  more than just a project, it is a "process". We know how it starts but we don't know how it will develop : dealing with starting processes rather than owning spaces. (223 EG)

And then again we find the foundations of our mission in other points

- develop a communion in differences. (228 EG)

-The Holy Spirit also infuses the strength to proclaim the newness of the Gospel boldly (parrhesia), aloud and in every time and place, even against the tide.(259 E.G.)

-I once again invoke the Holy Spirit, I pray that he will come to renew, to shake, to give impetus to the Church in a daring exit out of itself to evangelize all peoples. (261 E.G.)

You can learn more about the project by reading the details in the document presented to the Dicastery for Evangelization.




Alexander of the Royal:

"At Christmas 2021, from a long series of ‘Providences’, we met Cinzia Fratucello, mother of Giovannimaria Rainaldi, a young angel who went to heaven on May 30, 2013,  7 years after a life of suffering in which he sowed incredible light to all those who met him. (Meet Giovannimaria)

Cinzia asked us to play at the anniversary of his ‘birth’ in heaven and took us to New York on May 30, 2022. Accompanying Cinzia, Celeste and Olivia, the sisters of Giovannimaria, we met extraordinary members of the Catholic Church in New York, we found ourselves at the ordination of Brothr Isahia of Francsican Friars of the Renewal, who we had made contact with during the pandemic, we met members of the Shalom Community present there and we played at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral with the exceptional welcome from Father Enrique, rector of the cathedral. This contamination, these comparisons and this wonder lit a fire in our hearts. A knot was untied in those days, and it is undeniable that, during the adoration in the church of St. Catherine, in front of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, next to a plaque in honor of Giovannimaria, the missionary desire in me to start such a process was born very clearly. The wonder turned into awareness of a calling when, on our return, we began to receive calls from various realities from different countries asking for the opportunity to get to know each other. We departed without asking too many questions and we collected, without noticing a series of astounding meetings with bishops, associations and Catholic movements from the United States, Brazil, Scotland, England, Germany and other countries, with which we have since set up a series of appointments that are included in this project. "


AND SO...​


It would be much easier if we went to build houses for the needy. You would clearly see the fruits of your donations materially and everything would be easier for us.

But we are not going to build houses, instead we are building relationships, unity and support.

Let us put our talent at the service on the extraordinary paths of evangelization that these realities pave for their youth, the poor, the people. Let us go and share charity with those who live in difficult places.

Let us go and bring brotherhood to those who have asked us to share it.

Let us try to be an outgoing Church in order to open a way to young Italians, who dream of wide-open spaces, and create bridges that also unite our Church to the rest of the Catholic family.

We have nothing to sweeten the pill:

Supporting this project means "losing" money to share the same vision of a united and renewed Church. Participating in a ‘silent’ step, towards a breath of evangelization that wants to be among ‘the new’ in the heart of the Church and, quite likely, only you alone will know.

Our duty is not to convince you to donate, our duty is to let you know that this is going to happen, and to share its beauty.


The ways in which anyone can support this crazy dream are:


-PRAYING, it's free and more effective then anything else.


We thank you in advance for whatever you may do,

we will pray that God can be as generous with you as you are with us!

May God bless you!


Reale and the Transform Association

  • Raccolti                                             7.880 

  • Spese prese in carico               

  • Obiettivo                                   € 100.000,00

  • Sostenitori                                                       

  • Scadenza                                                          mai

  • Modalità                            Donazione libera


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